AlgebraFind the sum of two integers: 2+(-18).
3 years ago

To find:

The sum of two integers.



1 Answers
Best Answer
Anh Staff answered 3 years ago
Concept: To add two integers with the same signs, follow the steps below: (i) Write the absolute values of the given integers. (ii) Add the absolute values. (iii) Use their common sign as the sign of the sum. To add two integers with the different signs, follow the steps below: - (i) Write the absolute values of the given integers. (ii) Find the larger absolute value. (iii) Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger absolute value. (iv) Use the sign of the number with larger absolute value as the sign of the sum. Calculation: (i) Writing absolute values of the given integers. |2|=2, |-18|=18 (ii) The larger absolute value is 18. (iii) Subtracting the smaller absolute value from the larger absolute value. 18-2= 16 (iv) Since the sign of the number with larger absolute value is negative, hence the sum is also negative. 2+ (-18) = -16 Final Statement: The sum of the given two integers is -16.
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