Calculus and AnalysisThe image of polygon MNOP after a similarity transformation is polygon WXYZ.
3 years ago
The image of polygon MNOP after a similarity transformation is polygon WXYZ. Each side of MNOP is 2 times as long as the corresponding side of WXYZ. What is the scale factor of the dilation in the similarity transformation?
The Answers:
A 4
B 0.5
C 2
D 0.25
1 Answers
Best Answer
cheyenne29 Staff answered 3 years ago
Step 1 The ratio of corresponding sides of WXYZ and MNOP is 1/2 because : Each side of MNOP is 2 times as long as corresponding side of WXYZ(given) Step 2 Answer: Hence, The scale factor of the dilation in the similarity transformation is B: 0.5
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