Statistics and ProbabilityThe probability that a regularly scheduled flight departs on time is P (D)=0.83
2 years ago
The probability that a regularly scheduled flight departs on time is P (D)=0.83, the probability that it arrives on time is P (A)=0.82; and the probability that it departs and arrives on time is P (D ∩ A)=0.78. Find the probability that a plane:
a. arrives on time given that it departed on time
b. departed on time given that it has arrived on time
1 Answers
Best Answer
esharron Staff answered 2 years ago
Given, Probability of departing on time P (D)=0.83 Probability of arriving on time P (A)=0.82 Probability of departing and arriving on time P (D ∩ A)=0.78 a) Probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time: The probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time is calculated as follows: P (A/D)= probability that the plan arrives on time given that it departed on time P (A/D)= (P (A ∩ D))/(P (D)) = (0.78)/(0.83) P (A/D)=0.94 Thus, the probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time is 0.94. b) Probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time: The probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time is calculated as follows: P (D/A)= probability that the plan arrives on time given that it departed on time P (D/A)= (P (D ∩ A))/(P (A)) = (0.78)/(0.82) P (D/A)=0.95 Thus, the probability that a plan arrives on time given that it departed on time is 0.95.
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